Very little rain today. I guess it was supposed to rain all day but it didn't. As you may know I have been searching for a snake for some time now. I think the school needs a pet and a snake could be the perfect one. Well today Betsy and Saul saw a snake down by the shop but it escaped through the fence and into the forest. The steering came loose again on the riding lawnmower. I fixed it and I think this time it will stay fixed. After I fixed the lawnmower I was driving it back to the shop when I saw a dark brown three foot snake just to the left of the shop door. So I jumped off the mower and chased it down. The snake quickly hid in some tall grass close by, but I quickly found it, but just as I spotted its tail it took off like it knew that it had been seen. It darted straight for a nearby tree that had roots near to the ground that it could hide under. I put my hand on the tree and started to search but before I knew it my hand was covered in fire ants that were on the tree! I quickly brushed them off my hand but by the time I did I had lost sight of the snake. I searched and searched but the snake had disappeared like a really tall and skinny ninja. You've won the battle little ninja but the war has just begun. Anyway so Jen and Betsy have these flowers that only bloom like once in a really long time or something and there really big and they attract bats. Well they bloomed tonight, pretty cool.
where are the dang ninjas? i thought it was a play on words.. like N.I.N.J.A.S but the picture is still too small to make out figures or letters. pls help. :P