Look at me! I'm cutting that off tomorrow. |
Crazy hair day! Oh crazy hair day. Wow so I have a Mohawk now. I have to start watching out for that peer pressure stuff that we teach the kids to ignore. We all did ridiculous things with our hair like coloring our hair and spiking it in weird ways but I ended up actually cutting my hair. Don't get me wrong Hector did a great job but now I have a Mohawk to deal with. I'm so Puerto Rican. Anyway I told everyone yesterday that today I would run up a tree and do a back flip. So I did. It was a lot easier than I expected. When Jamie was here she left me some bread that someone made for me. One loaf of Amish bread, one loaf of Pumpkin bread and One loaf of Banana nut bread. We all eat them tonight and they were so good! I love bread.
"“Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him” – this is the most sublime utterance of faith in the whole of the Bible." -Oswald Chambers
My mom made that bread for you guys :) I'm glad u liked it!