Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 60

I finally fixed the bench in the chapel, I have also managed to trick everyone into thinking that this was actual work. It is not. I got to use a table saw, awesome, I love power tools. So does Saul, he likes tractors so today we watched a video on YouTube about them and Betsy realized for the first time that this video has audio. This video is one of twenty videos about trucks for kids. Well they all have these ridiculous songs that go with them and I really feel like your missing out if you haven't heard these. So funny! Follow this link. This one is good too. Saul likes them but he doesn't have to listen to the ridiculous songs. We also had badminton today and the coach is arranging special practices for some of the kids who are starting to get good. He also said that he doesn't think that I am being challenged enough so he is inviting this guy to one of our practices to play against me. I don't know why though, I'm not a student, and I'm not playing in the tournament. Leo is a good enough challenge anyway. 


  1. I really liked them better without the audio! I tried to interpret them for Leo (deaf) and he looked at me like I was crazy. Yeah... well... i am just the INTERPRETER!!
