I had no idea he knew karate
If you can't beat them, catch them |
Another day in paradise. One of the girls caught a lizard today and got it to bight onto my ear. There's never a camera around when you need one. We had meatballs for lunch today, so good. Judy gave me the left overs because there wasn't enough for another lunch. Sweet. Betsy's church is approaching its anniversary so there was a service tonight and there will be a few more this week as well. If I paid any attention I would know which days, I'm just along for the ride. Tomorrow we are taking the kids to a court room to teach them about justice. The original plan was to go in the morning and watch an actual court case, but the judge decided that it would be a better idea if we came later. I'm thinking that was a good decision. Playing the bells is difficult and I can actually hear the song and when I mess up. I have no idea how these kids pull it off but everyone but Saul is way better than me. I'm not excited about having to perform in front of people. I guess that's a worry for another day though. I haven't seen or talked to any of my friends in a long time. I guess that's my fault. There's a lot to think about here.
Sounds like a good time, you're gonna be quite the musician when you get back!