Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 93

Last week went by so fast. I can't believe its already over. Well I went to church this morning and tonight. This morning I was really tired and couldn't pay attention but thanks to a little bit of caffeine I was very attentive in tonight's service. It was really good. Tomorrow is crazy hair day at the school. I already have a rat tail, how much crazier can I get. I'm thinking maybe I shave a Mohawk. Then I can add colors, so cool. This week is going to be very interesting. There is the crazy hair day tomorrow, pizza party tomorrow, wednesday Betsy has an eye appointment in the afternoon so I will have her class, and Friday we are playing the bells for people. I'm excited. Maybe I'm just tired but does this make sense to anyone, "Faith in antagonism to common sense is fanaticism, and common sense in antagonism to faith is rationalism." -Oswald Chambers


  1. He’s saying that when we let our faith overpower our common sense, we end up believing some crazy things, but when we let our common sense overpower our faith, we end up in a cold place where our own logic is the final authority on what is real. Instead, Chambers likes faith as kind of a pervasive worldview by which we live and relate to God. Keep it up, Chris!

  2. Thank you Philip! We appreciate your gift of intelligences. I love Oswald!
