Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 78

While I had Saul all to myself I taught him to cross his sevens like I do. This upset Betsy. I did convince her to let him continue to write them that way though. So in ten years I'm going to Skype him and inform him that I am the reason he writes his sevens that way. I had an effect on a child! Maybe not the most constructive way of doing that. My parents and my girlfriend are coming to visit on Saturday. I'm very excited. My dad is going to work on all the computers and help me build things. I have so many cool things to show them. I am waking up tomorrow at 5 to go to the beach and watch the sunrise in the water. Great way to start your day. Then I think I'll go back to sleep till church. So if I go to sleep now I will get... four hours of sleep. Oh, I need to get to that.

1 comment:

  1. Dear mom -
    I understand that you read Chris' blog and saw I was dizzy on Wednesday. It's ok! I flew back here on Tuesday and was hyper and didn't sleep until late and then on Wednesday I gave blood. I drank water but between being a little tired, a little dehydrated and then giving blood, I was a little dizzy. No need to call Jen to check up on me!
    Love you and thank God for you...
