Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 33

Well, Hurricane Katia is headed north of us. At this point its not even looking like we will be getting good waves from it. Oh well, its for the better. Long range predictions have her heading north over Bermuda and towards Canada, oye. The kids are doing so well at badminton! The second day and I'm already seeing real improvement with a lot of the younger kids. Saul still requires extra effort, hes very good if you work with him one on one but when he gets with a group problems usually occur. I have found though that if he is asked to teach or help the other kids he behaves very well. Maybe he will be a teacher some day. As of today the school has two new pets. The first is a baby toad and his name is Ichabod. The second is a coqui, which is the famous Puerto Rican frog that is very loud at night, his name is Trinidad. I found them this morning when I was mowing the back field. Just before I ran them over I noticed them hopping and I stopped. Which makes me wonder how many frogs I have run over that were sitting in the grass, I usually don't look. Its going to be hard to feed them, they eat very small bugs like ants that are not very easy to catch. I think I might just catch a snake and feed it frogs, they're easier to catch. Church was good tonight. The sermon is in Spanish and I have given up trying to keep up with the spanish so I just watch Betsy who is translating spanish to sign language for Kevin and I am starting to really improve in Sign Language so I understood a lot of it. Good stuff, I'm going to sleep. "Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few." Ecclesiastes 5:2

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