Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 35

I hate board games. Sitting down and challenging someone one on one. I'm bad at all of them. The only time I like to compete is in sports where I have somewhere to put my energy. If I'm loosing at a game of basketball I can try harder and I will do better, if I'm loosing at a board game I can't think harder and do better, it doesn't matter how hard I want to win. I fact it seems to work the other way most of the time. So I become frustrated. At ESD people play board games during free time, I can't help but join. I need an intervention. Today we had our first "pet of the day". I'm starting to do a "pet of the day"s once a week so that I don't have to take care of the animal. I just show it to the kids and let it go. Well the pet of the day today was actually five pets. Three baby toads, a coqui, and an adult toad. The kids enjoyed them and then we let them go. No care required. Another day without badminton, nice. Today was Friday, and yesterday was Thursday, and in two days it will be Sunday but tomorrow is Saturday. I'm 95% sure, I don't know I have to listen to that song about the weekend again.


  1. Bored games... board games... the only reason i play them is because it gives us something to do while (1) teaching kids or (2) chatting or (3) I need to assure myself that I am the MOST loser!

    hang in there!

  2. Drink tea while you are playing. More enjoyable that way! hahaha

  3. oh that's the problem! we forgot the TEA!
