Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 38

Awesome holiday. Betsy's church came over and there was all sorts of good food. We played basketball, dodge ball, ultimate frisbee, chess, and Othello. Everyone had a great time. Betsy parked one of the huge white vans down in the field this morning so it would be out of the way. Normally we try to keep cars away from the field because it gets muddy and they get stuck, but it hasn't really rained that hard the last few day so it was fine. During lunch I saw a few clouds coming over the mountains and me and Betsy always try to guess how long it will be before it rains. I guessed 20min but only Leo was around to tell. Well almost exactly 20min later it started to rain. At this point I remembered that the van was in the field but it was too late. It was pouring rain.  After the rain stopped and the party ended I went down to the field to drive the van out. I was parked on the hill leading to the field so I put it in drive and gave it as little gas as possible to get it up the hill praying that the tires would grip the wet grass. They didn't. So I let the van role back to the field so I was at least on flat ground were I could gain speed to get up the hill. I put it in drive and eased the throttle. Nothing, the tires spun in place on the soft ground. So I got Leo and Robert to help push but this thing was not going anywhere. We tried our best to wedge palm branches under the tires but they still wouldn't grip. There's no hope, that thing is stuck, so we went with plan B. Plan B is to wait until the ground dries up and drive it out then. This is Puerto Rico, nothing has been dry here since that one time in the late 80's. Oh well, we'll see. Tomorrow is school, I am very excited. I am going to go to sleep early so that I will be able to make up for the holiday weekend today. I still have pluming and chainsawing to do, my favorite! Elizabeth had a dream the other night about the hole people! She said they are about knee high and they are invisible. This is good to know, it would explain why I never see them on any of my stakeouts. There is a pipe by the chapel that has broken so I've dug it up and I will soon replace the broken section. Well Betsy saw me digging and now she thinks I with the hole people. She must be crazy, well she found a quote in a Reader's Digest that she thought would be helpful so I'm going to post it. "The first rule of holes: When you're in one, stop digging." -Molly Ivins


  1. I'll keep you posted on the hole people.

    I'm loving your blog! It's deep and insightful and laugh-out-loud funny. Keep it up (no pressure, though)

  2. Haha thanks Elizabeth! You probably like it because of the inside jokes. I don't know why other people like it, weird.
